Redesign of the Place de la Résistance, Brill district, Esch-sur-Alzette

Description Works on redesigning the Place de la Résistance at Esch-sur-Alzette within the context of rehabilitating the Brill district in line with the concept of the winning project ‘The five continents’ following the international competition won by landscape architect Kamel Louafi. Creation of a green area for meeting and relaxation on a surface area of some 8,400 m², and including re-laying out the pavements of the neighbouring streets and modifying access to the underground car park. Modification to and renewal of the infrastructure networks, and in particular renovating the worn-out channelling with ‘burst-lining’, all of this within a particularly constraining urban environment where the phasing of the works is concerned.

Location Esch-sur-Alzette

Client Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette

Cost 4.200.000 €

Start of service provision October 2010

End of service provision July 2013

Mission Preliminary study / topographical measurements / drawing up of the geotechnical reconnaissance programme / summary pre-project / detailed pre-project / multi-network study and constraints / cleansing and drainage / permit requests / materials calculations / dossier submission / detailed cost estimate / execution plans / participation in site meetings / participation in reception of works / establishment of calculations and invoice control / drawing up of payment notes / drawing up of final cost analysis / stability study

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